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I help women with autoimmune disease feel their best using diet and lifestyle changes.



hi friend!


Case Study:

How my client eliminated all her symptoms and got off all her medications using diet & lifestyle changes

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What you get:

  • The exact diet and lifestyle steps I walk my clients through

  • Real client story of how she went from flare up to feeling her BEST

  • My comprehensive AIP diet guide (everything you need to complete the AIP diet on your own)

Let's get real. Having autoimmune disease is hard.


- You are exhausted with fatigue and not doing what you really want. 
- You are constantly getting burned out and recovering. 
- You experience a lot of pain and feel a lot older than you are. 
- You have trouble focusing or remembering things with brain fog. 
- You don’t feel like the real you and wish your life looked differently. 




You may have been told that because autoimmune disease is chronic, there is not much you can do to feel better. 

this isn't true at all

I went from suffering with joint pain, fatigue, and brain fog with my autoimmune disease

(Ankylosing Spondylitis) to...


Feeling my best (symptom free) for the past 5 years.

the best part?

I'm not alone.

My clients have done the same. 


Kim eliminated all her symptoms with Psoriatic Arthritis.


Christine became pain and fatigue free for the first time in years. 


Samantha no longer has daily Lupus symptoms. 


Ginny got rid of the joint pain she had for 15 years.


Katharina feels her best, getting her life back again. 


Gina has the most energy she has ever had. 

You can feel your best with autoimmune disease.

I’ll show you how. 


In my coaching programs, I work with my clients using a simple process to decrease inflammation quickly and long term. 


- We will create your unique non-inflammatory diet- allowing you to eat as many different foods as possible while feeling your best. 

- We will decrease your stress and get your mind and body out of fight/flight. 

- We will create a life you absolutely love- that keeps you feeling your best!

My Coaching Programs:

Private Coaching


6 months (24 sessions)​




Also available with payment plans:

$833/month or $208/month

I work with you privately to create your own diet and lifestyle that allows you to feel your best with your autoimmune disease.


You will receive one hour of coaching with me every week as we focus on getting you feeling better as quickly as possible and maintain feeling your best for the rest of your life. 

The Autoimmune Mastermind

An intimate 6 month group coaching program where I teach you how to feel your best in a fun and supportive group atmosphere with women just like you.


Together we will follow a simple, step by step diet and lifestyle plan that covers everything you need to decrease your inflammation and feel your best. 

Group Coaching


6 months (24 sessions)




Also available with payment plans:

$416/month or $104/month

I used to ignore my symptoms because I didn’t think I could feel better. Now, I feel my best and my husband even wanted to thank Laura because feeling my best has created harmony and less stress within our whole family- when mom wins, everyone wins!


Maria P.

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I went from daily struggling to thriving in my life, allowing me to work again! My labs improved so much, my doctor had to call the lab to double check the numbers! I view myself as healthy and capable of anything!

Ankylosing Spondylitis, Crohn's disease.

Laura T.

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I am feeling 100x better than I used to and cannot imagine my life without this program. I no longer worry about my health or my future. Feeling my best allows me to get on the floor to play with my young daughter and take her hiking for the first time.



Christine P.

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For the first time in my life, I don’t complain about being tired. After just 4 weeks of coaching, I felt so much better and it just got better from there!


Autoimmune Disease

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I am shocked by how well I feel now. My pain, achiness, fatigue, brain fog, and skin rashes are all gone! I am back to skiing and dancing at weddings again!

Lupus, Sjogren's Syndrome, Fibromyalgia

Gina H.

Sam L.

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Since I started coaching, I have not had another flare up and I’m no longer in pain. I used to think I could never make changes because it was too difficult. Coaching with Laura changed everything.

Ankylosing Spondylitis, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis

Deb O.

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I have my own “Jackie” diet that keeps me feeling good and it’s easy to maintain because I love what I eat! I even enjoyed Thanksgiving, staying on my diet and lost 25lbs throughout the program. I love that I am in control of my health by using diet and lifestyle, without needing additional medications.

Eosinophilic gastroenteritis, Undifferentiated Spondylarthritis, PCOS

Jackie F.

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Because of this work, my health has improved in every area-I no longer suffer from fatigue, brain fog, headaches, or congestion! By taking care of my health, I found myself again. I’m happier than I’ve been in a long time.

Sjogren's Syndrome

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I had no idea I could feel this good again. I am officially pain free and have so much more energy! Working on my diet and stress changed my life and I am so much more present and relaxed now. And the best part is I know these are lifelong results I get to keep!

Psoriatic Arthritis

Bethany W.

Kim A.

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