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Heal your autoimmune disease using diet and lifestyle

What is healing with autoimmune disease?


Healing means restoring damage caused by inflammation.


When the immune system is supported with a healthy diet and lifestyle, this decreases the autoimmune attack, helping to minimize symptoms and restore health.


Heal in 12 is the membership that teaches you exactly how to heal autoimmune inflammation so you can feel your best. 

As a woman with autoimmune disease,
you have been through so much.

  • You have experienced difficult symptoms like pain, fatigue, brain fog, rashes, and gut problems for years.​

  • You received a chronic illness diagnosis of autoimmune disease (or multiple).

  • Or you don’t have a diagnosis but you know something is wrong because of your chronic inflammatory symptoms. ​

  • You were prescribed biologics and steroids with side effects that concern you. 

  • You followed your doctor’s recommendations but continue to suffer with daily symptoms.​

  • You feel misunderstood by conventional medicine.

  • And you feel intimidated and confused by holistic medicine.

  • You have procrastinated making diet and lifestyle changes because it looks too hard.​

  • Or you have tried making changes but couldn’t be consistent. 

What you have experienced so far is very, very hard. 

I completely understand because I’ve been there. 


And I’m happy to bring you some good news:


There is nothing wrong with you. 

You can still have the health and life you want. 



This is why you don't feel good:

Because the key to understanding how to feel good comes from understanding why you don’t feel good. 

Here are the factors that contributed to your autoimmune disease:

Another major contributor (that often gets missed) to your autoimmune disease is: your thoughts

  • Genes: These are abnormal genes that are inherited and then activated by environment, diet and lifestyle. 

  • Triggers from your environment: This could be anything that causes a lot of stress to your immune system such as infections (viral, bacterial, fungal, parasitic), exposure to toxins, hormone shifts, or trauma. 

  • Inflammatory foods: Our modern way of eating often includes inflammatory foods and lacks the nutrients our bodies need to function properly

​The majority of autoimmune women have these thought patterns:

  • Perfectionism / Being hard on themselves

  • People pleasing tendencies

  • Feeling like they are not good enough

  • Putting themselves last

  • Feeling guilt when it comes to taking care of themselves

This is not a coincidence. 


These thought patterns are common with autoimmune disease because they tell your body that you are not safe- leading to a chronic state of fight/flight. 


In fight/flight, the immune system is deprioritized – causing dysfunction leading to autoimmune disease. 


The reason so many autoimmune women struggle to feel better is because they are not addressing the thoughts that made them sick in the first place. 


And… These thought patterns make it extremely difficult to actually implement and have consistency with diet and lifestyle changes for the long term. 


Your thoughts create your health. This is the best news ever.


Because when you change your thoughts, you change:

  • How you make decisions

  • What emotions you have

  • What state your nervous system is in (fight/flight or rest/digest)

  • How you show up in your life

  • How you take action with diet and lifestyle


The Heal in 12 process is specifically designed to help you become the woman you want to be so you can have the life you want with autoimmune disease. 


Here's How we will do it

You will learn how to become the woman who feels her best

  • Heal thought patterns that contributed to autoimmune disease

  • Develop thought patterns that support feeling your best long term

You will be guided through a step by step process that creates your own diet and lifestyle for your unique body

  • No more trying everything under the sun.

  • No more following a one size fits all approach. 

  • Just listening to your body and doing what works for you. 

You will receive all the support you need implementing the Heal in 12 process

  • Learning how to heal is important. 

  • But getting it done successfully is what you are here for. 

  • You will get daily support for your strategy and mindset

  Heal in 12 has everything you need to feel your best.  

  • You don’t want to settle with your health. You want the best for yourself. 

  • You want to address the root causes that created your symptoms.

  • You want a holistic approach that focuses on the body and brain. 

  • You want a diet and lifestyle you love that works for you. 

  • You feel lost and stuck and you want your life back. 

  • You think your health comes last (and you don’t want it to.)

  • You want to feel confident that you are progressing with your healing journey.

  • You are ready to feel your best for the long term. 




A 5-step course

Step #1: Gut Health

  1. Introduction + mindset

  2. What to know about your gut 

  3. Things to Unlearn

  4.  How to transition

  5.  The elimination phase

  6.  How to plan your meals

  7.  Drinks

  8.  Breakfast and snacks

  9.  Special Occasions

  10.  How to save money

  11. Meal hygiene

  12.  Common problems and solutions

  13.  Reintroductions

Image by Dan Gold

The Coaching

  • Live weekly coaching with Laura Clowdus where you will receive support on strategy, mindset, and implementation of the Heal in 12 process. 

  • Ask a Coach: A private portal where you can ask your questions and receive support

The Community

  • A private facebook group just for Heal in 12 members.

  • Community is vital for creating safety in the brain and body.

  • Putting yourself in the room of autoimmune women who are healing together is one of the best ways to set yourself up for success. 

  • This is the place you can share with us how you are doing, get and give support, and cheer each other on. Let’s do this- together. 




Registered Nurse, Certified Wellness Life Coach, Certified Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) Coach

When I was diagnosed with my autoimmune disease, Ankylosing Spondylitis, I felt like my life was over. As an RN and triathlete, I couldn’t imagine a life of being chronically ill. 


But then it got even worse. Being a good patient, I followed my doctor’s recommendations to a T- taking my prescribed biologic and as needed pain medication. When I told my doctor that I was still experiencing daily joint pain, fatigue, and brain fog, he said: “But you are not having any flares. The medication is working. It’s normal to feel like this with autoimmune disease.”


It felt like a punch to the gut. I decided at that moment that I could not accept feeling this way for the rest of my life. 


So like any other self healer, I started researching. At first I found horrible advice from people saying all you can do for autoimmune disease is “accept your limitations” and “spread awareness.”


No thanks. 


Then, I stumbled upon story after story of people using diet and lifestyle changes to heal the root causes of autoimmune disease. It made so much sense to me. 


But implementing these changes was an entirely different journey. 


I struggled with meal planning, emotional eating, and living in chronic fight/flight. Being consistent with my diet and lifestyle felt impossible. 


That’s when I discovered life coaching – and I learned how to manage my thoughts and emotions so I could take consistent action and get the results I wanted. 


This was the game changer I needed. It allowed me to finally create a diet and lifestyle I actually enjoyed… that was easy to follow even while working a high stress job. After a few months, I eliminated all of my autoimmune symptoms (without medication.) Feeling my best gave me my life back. 


And my personal favorite part of healing? 

Being healthy enough to bring my 3 sweet boys into the world. 


I decided to apply everything I learned not just to my own life- but to yours as well. In 2020 I started my life coaching business for autoimmune women. 


And after years of helping autoimmune women feel their best, I’m proud to offer the best autoimmune membership: Heal in 12. 




For the first time in my life, I do not complain about being tired. I no longer have pain or stiffness. Even my facial swelling bags under my eyes are gone! Feeling my best has improved my relationships, but the biggest relationship that has improved is with myself. I learned how to truly love myself and my body and that has made it EASY to take care of myself and continue feeling good!”

Gina H.
unknown autoimmune disease

I now have the BEST relationship with food. After years of restrictive dieting, I now am able to have fun grocery shopping, cooking, and eating delicious foods that healed my inflammation. I even was able to completely get off of diet cokes and energy drinks! I am shocked by how well I feel now – my pain, achiness, fatigue, brain fog, and skin rashes are all completely GONE! Not to mention, I lost 25 lbs in the process. Working with Laura has made this life change so simple and fun! ”

Samantha L.
Lupus, Sjogren’s, Fibromyalgia, Glomerulonephritis

“I used to have flare ups lasting 4 months every 6 to 12 months. My husband would have to help me get out of bed because of the pain. Since I started coaching, I have not had another flare and I am no longer in pain. I am even back to doing pilates again! I have truly gone from helpless to empowered.

I used to think I could never make changes because it was too difficult. Coaching with Laura changed everything for me. I learned how my brain was holding me back from feeling the way I wanted to. My anxiety and stress is so much better and I don’t feel overwhelmed or stuck anymore.”

Deb O.
Ankylosing Spondylitis, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis

I did not expect to feel this good. I have so much more energy, I can sleep through the night again, and I rarely have any pain. One of the biggest changes for me is now having control over my life again. Because I know my body so well, I know exactly how to feel my best and avoid feeling bad. I also handle stress so much better and no longer get stressed about the little things. Laura helped me get out of survival mode and I can finally move forward in life and focus on things outside of my health.”

Kim A.
Psoriatic Arthritis

“Long COVID made my symptoms so much worse. I had daily pain and fatigue and lost my sense of smell and taste. I felt like a horrible mom to my 3 kids and often ate emotionally to help myself cope. With coaching, I learned how to make really simple changes to my diet and lifestyle…and I never felt restricted. I even got my sense of smell and taste back. I no longer have any pain, and I have so much energy that I am able to take my kids on day trips for the first time in years.

Megan C.
Rheumatoid Arthritis

I am living my life in rest/digest instead of fight/flight and it has made all the difference for my health and every other area of my life. Some big shifts that created this was learning how to truly value myself and set boundaries correctly. And now because of coaching, I am living the life I have always wanted to live. I just got back from a vacation where I ate right for my body without feeling restricted, I had zero bathroom episodes, and felt calm and happy without anxiety.”

Michelle L.
Grave’s disease, Celiac Disease



$997 (15% OFF)

12 month membership (with option to continue your membership on a monthly basis after the first 12 months)


Immediate access to the Heal in 12 course


The Heal in 12 digital workbook to apply the course to your life


Your seat for our live weekly coaching calls (and access to all replays)


The Heal in 12 Private Facebook community


Access to Ask A Coach for private support and questions


12 monthly payments of $97
*This is a 12 month commitment with divided monthly payments

12 month membership (with option to continue your membership on a monthly basis after the first 12 months)


Immediate access to the Heal in 12 course


The Heal in 12 digital workbook to apply the course to your life


Your seat for our live weekly coaching calls (and access to all replays)


The Heal in 12 Private Facebook community


Access to Ask A Coach for private support and questions

*This membership is only available for women. 




The most important part of this program is you feeling better. 


I am 100% confident you will love how you feel within the first 6 months of this membership.


If you don’t, you will have access to receive a full refund.

*See refund policy in the purchase terms and conditions for details.


“I used to struggle with hypothyroidism, SIBO, Candida and hormonal imbalance for years.  Some of the daily symptoms included bloating, stomach pain, mood changes, joint pain, lack of sleep and low energy. I wanted to heal outside of conventional medicine and felt overwhelmed and frustrated with all the information available. In just a few weeks of coaching with Laura, I already experienced a better mood, better sleep, and I could concentrate and focus much better! Now, I no longer have fatigue, I lost weight, my hair and skin are better, and my digestion has completely improved! I used to ignore my symptoms because I didn’t think I could feel better. Now, I am so good at listening to my body and taking care of its needs. My husband even wanted to thank Laura because feeling my best has created harmony and less stress within our whole family- when mom wins, everyone wins!”


“I started working with Laura because I was struggling to take care of my health. I was overworking, covering up my symptoms, and always putting others before me. My health was declining and I needed serious help. Laura taught me how to show up for myself so I could feel my best AND be there for others. It was exactly what I needed. I learned how to set boundaries, work the hours I wanted to, and have all the time I needed to eat healthy and exercise consistently! I no longer take the guilt or blame for what others do. Because of this work, my health has improved in every area. I no longer suffer from fatigue, brain fog, headaches, or congestion! I slept in a recliner for years and now I get to sleep in my bed again. By taking care of my health, I found myself again. I’m happier than I’ve been in a long time.”

Sjogren's Syndrome

“After getting diagnosed with Hashimoto's, I had a horrible flare up and I had never been so sick in my life! I tried making diet and lifestyle changes on my own but reached a plateau in feeling better. I was still tired and overwhelmed. Now, I no longer have joint pain, I sleep well, and I feel my best consistently! This has allowed me to travel for work without worrying about how I will feel. Because coaching has helped me have control over the way I think and feel in general, my relationships and career have improved as well!”

Hashimoto's Thyroiditis

“My labs improved so much, my doctor had to call the lab to double check the numbers. Changing my diet and lifestyle was the best decision I have ever made for myself. I used to lay around because I was in so much pain, and now I’m playing with my kids on the floor and doing yard work again. I even got a job because my symptoms are no longer holding me back. My identity has also dramatically changed because I now see myself as capable of doing anything.”

Ankylosing Spondylitis, Crohn's disease

  • What if I don’t have an autoimmune diagnosis?
    Considering it takes an average of 4 years to receive an autoimmune diagnosis, you do not need one to join this program. As long as you are experiencing chronic inflammation, everything we do with diet and lifestyle changes will absolutely help you.
  • What if I have to miss a call?
    Our calls will be recorded so if you have to miss a call, it’s no problem. You can watch the replay on your own time.
  • Will I get enough individual help and attention?
    Absolutely. I’m intentionally keeping our group small at 5 women. You will get plenty of coaching time with me on our calls and facebook group. You will also receive a bonus private call with me in the first month of the program so we can personalize your diet and lifestyle plan from the beginning to give you the best results.
  • How long will it take to feel better?
    On average my clients feel significantly better in 2 to 3 months, although depending on your autoimmune condition and how long you have been inflamed, sometimes it can take longer. I’ll help you monitor your symptoms and troubleshoot as we go so we can guarantee we do exactly what your body needs to heal.
  • What if the coaching isn’t always relevant to me?
    Our brains tend to think we are the only ones with a certain problem. But my clients find that group coaching is so beneficial because they realize they are not alone and are actually eerily similar to each other. Plus, following the same specific process as a group provides focused coaching that is relevant to exactly what you need at the time.
  • How do I make this work financially?
    The total cost of the 6 month program is $2,500. You have the option to pay this in 3 ways. - Pay in full via Paypal invoice - Pay over the 6 months at $416/month with Paypal - Pay over 24 months at $104/month with Affirm financing There are no added fees or interest with any of the payment plans. My goal is to help you make this doable so you don’t have to wait and save up to feel better.
  • Will you give medical advice?
    As a Registered Nurse and certified wellness life coach, I am here to help you interpret and understand what is happening in your body and have consistency with diet and lifestyle changes. Please consult your physician for all medical advice.
  • What if I am currently taking medications like biologics or steroids?
    This program is for you. You can absolutely combine medication with diet and lifestyle changes. If you want to get off your medications, the best way to do that is get your inflammation down where you feel well consistently. At that point, you can meet with your doctor and ask to decrease or stop the medication you are on.
  • How do I know this is working? Will we run labs?
    We will know your inflammation is decreasing by seeing your symptoms decrease. I’ll teach you how to track your symptoms and notice gradual (and sometimes dramatic) signs you are healing. There are many labs such as inflammatory markers that will reflect decreased inflammation 3 months after symptoms decrease so relying on them is not a preferred way to troubleshoot diet and lifestyle changes.


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Disclaimer: The information on this site is based on the experience and research of the author. It is not a substitute of consulting with your physician or other health-care provider. Any attempt to diagnose and treat an illness should be done under the direction of a healthcare professional. LC Life Coaching is not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any of the suggestions discussed in this site.

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